I’m not a consistent April Fools’ prankster, but I do always enjoy reading or seeing good pranks – as long as I’m not the victim! Here are some of my favorites.
- Freeze your kids’ morning cereal. [ http://www.buzzfeed.com/mikespohr/awesome-april-fools-day-pranks-your-kids-will-totally-fal #4]
- Replace the cream filling in Oreos with something nasty like toothpaste. [http://www.viralnova.com/awful-april-fools-pranks/ #15]
- Cut a bunch of brown construction paper into the shape of the letter E and put in the container you usually use for baked goodies, then tell your family you made “brown Es.” No, they won’t appreciate that these “special” brownies have extra fiber!
- Put googly eyes on everything in the refrigerator.
- If your kitchen sink has a sprayer, tape or rubber-band it in the “open” position and aim it toward the front of the sink, then come up with a reason for someone to turn the water on (go rinse your plate or something). Just be sure you don’t forget you’ve done this and soak yourself! (I am NOT speaking from personal experience. Really.)
- This works at home or at work: tape a little piece of paper over the optic on your computer mouse so it doesn’t work. Be sure to write “Ha! Ha!” on the paper.
- More fun with a mouse: plug a wireless mouse into the computer and disconnect the other one, then stand nearby with the wireless mouse and watch the user trying to figure out what’s wrong with the computer!
- Bringing the famous 1957 British prank closer to home [http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/april-fools-top-all-time-pranks/], cook a big pot of spaghetti and drape the strands on a small tree in your yard. When dinner time comes, send one of your kids out to “harvest” some.
- I won’t do this one because I don’t want to have to clean it up, but it still sounds cool: tape clear wrap across the shower (behind the curtain) and fill the space with packing peanuts. You could use inflated balloons, too, which wouldn’t be so rough to clean up.
- Wrap the TV controls in about 50 yards of plastic wrap. Then suggest family board game night!
These are all small-scale pranks. Check out this list of pranks that created lots of April Fools!