I’m not a consistent April Fools’ prankster, but I do always enjoy reading or seeing good pranks – as long as I’m not the victim! Here are some of my favorites.
- Freeze your kids’ morning cereal. [ http://www.buzzfeed.com/mikespohr/awesome-april-fools-day-pranks-your-kids-will-totally-fal #4]
- Replace the cream filling in Oreos with something nasty like toothpaste. [http://www.viralnova.com/awful-april-fools-pranks/ #15]
- Cut a bunch of brown construction paper into the shape of the letter E and put in the container you usually use for baked goodies, then tell your family you made “brown Es.” No, they won’t appreciate that these “special” brownies have extra fiber!
- Put googly eyes on everything in the refrigerator. Read More→