Remember the signs of heatstroke
There are rumors El Nino might eventually be on the way to help the West Coast with this drought, but for now, it’s awfully hot and dry out there. Given that it might be over 100 degrees here in Portland this weekend, seems like an excellent time to talk about heatstroke.
If you just feel hot or sunburned, fluids and air conditioning are definitely the place to start. But if you have the following symptoms, or even some of them, don’t hesitate to call your doctor or 911!
Heatstroke symptoms can be remembered by thinking about what can happen: H.A.P.N.
- H: high body temperature, heart rate, or respiration
- A: altered mental state or sweating pattern
- P: pain in head or on surface of flushed skin
- N: Nausea or the need to vomit
If you are trying to help someone who you think might be experiencing heatstroke, get them out of the sun and make attempts to cool them down with a cool shower or bath or even ice packs under the arms. Keep them as calm and hydrated as possible while you wait for help to arrive.
And stay safe this summer!