We love any excuse to celebrate sweet stuff, as you’ve probably figured out by now. This obscure “food holiday” is particularly fun, since it involves one of our favorite candies and a favorite activity – jumping!

WARNING: Playing at JJ Jump will result in extreme static build-up – your kids will look like science experiments for several hours afterwards!
April 22 is National Jelly Bean Day, according to the Food Calendar, but July 31 is Jump for Jelly Beans Day, which means you must do more than just appreciate these little candy gems – you have to show your love by leaping and jumping. You can, of course, do this in your own house or yard, with or without the help of jump ropes or trampolines, or you can visit a local house of jumpage, like Sky High Sports or JJ Jump in Clackamas.
Jelly Beans have been popular since their creation, but Jelly Belly tapped a whole new generation when they created “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans” for the Harry Potter world, and included such, um, odd flavors as ear wax, grass, vomit, and earthworm. We bring this up because Jump for Jelly Beans Day happens to fall on Harry Potter’s birthday, so your celebration should (cautiously) include some Bertie Bott’s.