Just a quick note here on National Spanish Paella Day!
I have fond memories of travelling through Spain once with friends right after college. At one point, we shared a paella stirred-up for us in a street festival in Valencia on an outdoor fire, and the flavor will always be in my memories! The flavors of the seafood, the saffron, and the essence of the smoke from the fire melded together to make a warming and satisfying dish!
Here’s a video recipe starring Gordon Ramsey that I’m going to try out for my family tonight. Don’t worry — it’s one of his politer videos with no cursing! I’m not going to the effort of cooking over an outdoor fire tonight, so I’m expecting that the chorizo ingredient in this version will help make up for the natural woodsmoke flavoring I remember from my younger days.
By the way, did you know that when you’re in Spain you can buy loads of saffron much cheaper than you can get it here in the states?
#SpanishPaellaDay #PaellaDay #Paella